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heavy rain

The biggest bicycle festival in Slovakia has confirmed its dominance

Bikefest in Kálnice has for eight times prepared an unforgettable sporting experience. Despite the worse start of the festival on the weather, the organizers have prepared many attractions for lovers of adrenaline, cycling and good entertainment. There were no test bikes, sports accessories, and representatives of tourism organizations in the exhibition area.

The BikePark campus in Kálnica filled the "cyclo enthusiasts" from different corners of Europe in the last May weekend. The popularity of the Bikefest Festival has also been confirmed by increasing traffic. "Last year, we recorded 14,000 participants, the assumption is that this year is a thousand more," said Róbert Hošták , managing director of Sportmedia. Transport to the festival was once again facilitated by bikes with a cycloprive , which was presented by the Trenčín self-governing region in the previous year. During Saturday, May 26, 2018, this option was used to transport about 1,800 visitors .

The beauty of the Trenčian region during the three festival days (May 25-27, 2018) visitors could see in the stand of the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín region . "In addition to promotional materials presenting the greatest attractions of the Trenčín region, cyclists could compete for nice prizes and inspire them with tourist tips for the summer season. One of the visitors was pleased with the clear cycle path of the Trenčín County and the travel book for the Cross country game for 100 days, which we prepared for the summer months for families with children, "added the executive director of KOCR Trenčín region Eva Frývaldská .

The festival program offered 11 different contest disciplines , including the extreme Slopestyle included in the World Series of Freeride Mountain Bike World Tour, the Kellys BikeFest Marathon and this year's new CTM Enduro Race . The organizers did not forget even the smallest children for whom the children's zone was ready. Visitors had more than 400 test bikes available to test at a special circuit in the BikePark area.

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