Peter Piršel from Trenčianske Stankoviec decided that 2019 would be a turning point and an unforgettable one for him and his friend Martin. Instead of a traditional holiday to popular exotic destinations, he decided to take a trip on his 18-year-old jeep and drive 27,500 kilometers to Mongolia.
90 days, 15 countries and countless experiences that resonated with brave travelers during the trip - this is what their common journey looked like, during which they had the opportunity to see great poverty and wealth. On the way, they were accompanied by objects and materials from the regional tourism organization (KOCR) Trenčín region, which were most enjoyed by small children: “We have experience that small children from different countries are really grateful for anything you give them. For example, they were very happy with the bubble blowers, " said Piršel.
Hard days were replaced by beautiful ones
The least pleasant experience was in the evening in Georgia, where Peter's police took his driver's license despite violating no road regulations. Fortunately, it only took a few hours and then it was returned to him without any problems.
The great attention of the locals, who did not hesitate to help selflessly, on the other hand, was a positive surprise that made the moments on the road more pleasant: “The poor and the rich helped us. As Europeans walking down the street, strangers called me for tea, coffee or dinner. It was a nice incident when we stopped at a rest stop and the locals brought us a melon. When I said that we got something to eat a hundred kilometers ago and we were not hungry, they said - never mind, you will have it for tomorrow, " added Peter.
Traveling is contagious
As Peter himself claims, at present he can no longer imagine that he would be at home or at work for a whole year. Traveling has become his hobby and love, so these days he is already planning where his jeep will take him next year. Russia, which he would like to complete within two years, comes into consideration during the greatest winter.
In conclusion, he stated and compared the situation between individual countries: “I realized how well we are in Europe and that there is no point in swearing at everything, we often deal with banalities here. At the same time, people in Asia who live on $ 70 a month have a smile twice as often as the average European. ”
More information not only about the trip to Mongolia can be found at or on the Kampet Facebook page.
In Trenčín, October 15, 2019
Text: MT
Photo: Peter Piršel
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