Tourists can visit the southern fortifications of Trenčín Castle this Saturday, September 12, 2020. Thanks to the recent completion of reconstruction work carried out under the leadership of the Trenčín self-governing region within the international project TreBuCHET, visitors will get to new, hitherto inaccessible and unexplored parts of the castle.
The entrance to the southern fortification will be possible through the main entrance, from the side of the Peace Square. The entrance gate from the Brezina Forest Park remains closed to visitors. The opening hours of the castle as well as the entrance fee are left unchanged by the Trenčín Museum.
Apart from the fact that visitors will have new unique views of the city of Trenčín and a large part of Považie, the dominant promises an unusual experience related to the size of the castle - its size, accessible to the general public, is one of the largest in Slovakia.
Trenčín Castle is under the administration of the Trenčín Museum in Trenčín under the founding authority of the Trenčín Self-Governing Region.
Ing. Radovana Keliarová, Marketing and Communication Department, Trenčín Museum in Trenčín, tel .: +421 901 918 858, e-mail:
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