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Bojnicki Castle will be haunted again

After years, ghosts and mysterious stories from the past are returning to Bojnický Castle. The Slovak National Museum – Bojnice Museum is preparing a new event called the Haunted Castle for the beginning of the main tourist season in 2023.

Bojnice has been associated with ghost stories for many years. Visitors to the castle in Bojnice could meet ghosts first during evening tours and later also during the popular International Festival of Ghosts and Ghosts, which began its history in 1994. The new event builds on the atmosphere of the legendary festival and aims to raise the experience to a higher level.

The pilot year is called "1888" and tells a story about the dark shadows of human weakness and the opening of worlds that should remain locked forever.

The director of the event, Vojtech Bartko, invites the audience to watch the story of a count who wanted to leave beauty for future generations, but with it he also managed to preserve the reverse demonic side of humanity in the battlements.

The pilot year of the Haunted Castle event called 1888 will be presented by the museum from 28.4. until 1.5.2023 and from 5.5. until 8/5/2023.

Current information about the event will be available at www.bojnice.sk and www.snm.sk

Source: Department of Museum Communication, Marketing and Visitor Services, Slovak National Museum - Múzeum Bojnice

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