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heavy rain

From Saturday, it's easier to get to your destination thanks to the cycle bus

Transporting yourself and your bicycle on the same bus is not a utopia, but a reality that the Trenčín County together with SAD Trenčín has once again prepared for you. You can transport bicycles on weekends and holidays for only a symbolic 1 euro.

Blue buses with an attached bicycle carrier, which can safely and comfortably transport up to 24 bicycles, will run on weekends and holidays from May 6 to September 24, 2023 . During twenty weeks, you can get to know the region from the seat of a bicycle much more easily, because with a cycle bus, even the most distant destination will be closer to you. You pay only a symbolic 1 euro for the transport of the bicycle, the assistant of the bus driver will attach the two-wheeler to the cart. Cycle buses are going on the road for the seventh year thanks to Trenčia County and SAD Trenčín. During this season, they drive again on two proven routes:

Trenčín – Mníchova Lehota – Trenčianske Jastrabie – Dubodiel – Bánovce nad Bebravou

Trenčín – Dubnica nad Váhom – Ilava – Horná Poruba – Valaská Belá – Nitrianske Rudno.

Source: Dept. communication and international relations TSK

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