In the premises of Katov House in Trenčín, there was an extraordinary café, which is also a sheltered workshop. The application was found by four clients from the Social Services Home (DSS) in Adamov Kochanovce in the founding area of the Trenčín self-governing region.
The idea to open a café where people with a disadvantage would find their place of work was born in 2015. However, it was not until 2017 that it became realistic thanks to the President of the Rotary Club of Trenčín Laugaricio Hane Tis. "The opening of the café is the result of the long-term tireless work of several volunteers - enthusiasts, but also of the great willingness of the staff of individual state public institutions or the financial support of subsidizing mechanisms and spontaneous sponsors," said DSS Director Adamovské Kochanovce, Jan Ponudova.
Cafeteria On the way, it is located in the premises of Katov House , which is one of the expositions of the Trenčín Castle, in the administration of the Trenčín Museum in Trenčín and in the founding of the Trenčín Self-governing Region (TSK). The TSK leadership took this idea so much that the coffee house decided to offer a helping hand in the form of a free two-room rent. The civic association monthly only pays for energy. "We had space that was not used, so we provided it for good purpose. We do not require standard rents that could not be paid in the center of Trenčín, "explains Peter Martinisko, Director of the Trenčín Museum.
The name of the café The road is not only derived from its location (on the way to Trenčiansky castle), but also expresses some symbolism. "A completely new, unrecognizable way opens before us. The path that becomes the goal itself. We invite everyone who is on the way to our newly opened café, whether on Trenčiansky Castle or on any of his own personal paths, and they need to refresh and deliver strength ", invites Jana Pondušová, director of DSS Adamovská Kochanovka, to the café.
In the café, 4 people with health disabilities were recruited to work from Adamovské Kochanoviec. Café work is their first work experience, and the first job opportunity, with three assistants assisting them. The preparation for their new profession was also helped by the Secondary School of Trade and Services in Trenčín in the founding scope of the TSK. Practical training lasted approximately 1.5 months. For less than two months, clients are learning new things - dealing with unpredictable situations, orienting in a new environment or traveling by bus independently. "It is lucky to give people with a particular health handicap through protected employment. The ambition of our coffee shop is to become competitive, to build on the quality of products offered, staffing and a pleasant environment, "explains DSS director Adamovska Kochanovce.
Many of the customers come to the cafe purposefully. They want to know or support the operation of a sheltered workshop. Customers can choose from a range of different types of coffee, tea, lemonade, desserts or ice cream, and the assortment offered comes mainly from the Trenčín region. The interest in work in the café was also manifested by other people with disabilities. The project's goal is to incorporate them into their normal lives so they can work independently, cope with everyday situations, and personally move forward.
Source: Odd. communication and international relations of TSK
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