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from different corners of our region.



the rain

Tourist gems of Trenčiansky kraj

Bojnice castle as a diamond of Upper Nitra, Trenčín castle as a sapphire among reps, Manínska tiesňava as the emerald of Horné Povazia, Beckov Castle as a ruby between the castles and Spa Trenčianske Teplice as a turquoise between healing springs. Using such attributes, the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín presented the region with the most visited and touristically most popular locality of the Trenčín Region at the Bratislava Fair.

The International Tourism Fair ITF Slovakiatour annually provides space for self-government and tourism organizations to promote the most beautiful tourist attractions and attractions. This opportunity was also used by the KOCR Trenčín Region to promote the most valuable tourist gems. "The motto" Discover the hidden treasures of the Trenčín region "went through the whole exhibition. We have paid attention not only to treasures in the form of historical monuments and beautiful natural landscapes. "Live" gems have also come to the forefront, as well as those who work in tourism, offer quality accommodation and catering services, and make sure that tourists are happy in the region, "said Juraj Gerlici , chairman of KOCR Trenčín Region.

Best in tourism

In order to appreciate the work of the people in the tourism industry (CR), KOCR Trenčín decided to award the TOP prizes in the tourism of Trenčiansky region for 2018. About the winners in the categories TOP accommodation, TOP innovations CR, TOP product CR, personality CR, a jury composed of representatives of regional tourism organizations and the KOCR has decided for the hard-to-handle. In the category TOP accommodation in 2018 , the winner was Hotel Gino Park Palace **** , which is located in a Renaissance manor house in Orlov u Považská Bystrica. The hotel offers high-quality accommodation and gastronomy services, unique spa facilities and guest rooms offering an exceptional ambience of luxury. One of the award-winning facilities was also Hotel Belassi **** in Bojnice , which won the category Disabled access facility . The hotel, located just 500 meters from the Bojnice Chateau, is also accessible for handicapped people thanks to wheelchair access.

News at the castle castle

TOP TOP INNOVATION IN TOURISM has been awarded by Považský Castle , which has undergone extensive reconstruction in the last two years. Thanks to the initiative and securing of the funds from the Norwegian financial mechanism, the castle courtyard was restored by the town of Považská Bystrica and rare monuments were uncovered. "The prize belongs in particular to the civic association Hrad Bystrica, volunteers who have renewed this castle in cooperation with the town for more than 10 years. From Považský Castle, which was almost a ruin, today is a very interesting tourist attraction, which attracts more and more visitors, " said Karol Janas, Mayor of Považská Bystrica.

The most popular travel product

In the TOP 2018 tourist product category, the jury decided to award the Spa Trenčianske Teplice Spa as a product called Spa in the region . It is a unique product that has been created on the basis of spa and self-government cooperation. Thanks to the project, residents of Trencin region can use thermal pools with 50% discount during the winter. "The interest in this attraction rises year after year. For the first year, 10 municipalities and cities were involved, with a visit rate of almost 4,000. Last year the number of visitors was 12 thousand and the number of partners increased to 60, "the success of the 7-year project, Michal Vojtaš , General Director of Builder Trenčianske Teplice,

Treasures in the form of personalities

The personality of tourism for 2018 was taken by two nominations. The first prize was Bohuslav Kortman, chairman of the Strážovské vrchy cave club , who represented the public sector. A long-lived cave, the author of book publications and the author of educational walks, said the visit to the cave offers an exceptional experience, especially for young people. "We do a lot of events like lectures, talks and concerts in caves, we use cave spaces so that visitors can breathe in the right cave air," added Bohuslav Kortman. The second valued personality was the private sector representative, Roman Turcel, art director of Art Point Prievidza . The award was awarded to the personality of tourism for an extraordinary innovative approach to the gallery's galleries, in which the artistic spirit with gastronomy and pleasant seating passes.

Most taste under Trenčiansky castle

A special category was the TOP gastronomy category, because the best restaurant was not decided by a jury but by the public. More than 3500 voters selected a winning gastronomic operation among 45 nominees. The award was taken over by the Fatima Restaurant in Trencin , which offered its gastronomy the most appeal to visitors in 2018.

The winner of the individual categories personally congratulated the Trenčiansky župan Jaroslav Baška and thanked them for an exceptional approach to the development of tourism and the improvement of the provided services in the region. "Today we appreciate the best in tourism and I am very glad that it is during this exhibition. We really appreciate, tourism in the Trenčín region is also being developed thanks to the regional tourism organization and four regional tourism organizations that are associated under one roof of the regional organization. Joint projects that do, respect and promote tourism are really high, " Jaroslav Baska, the chairman of Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj , concluded.

Author: EF

In Trenčín, January 28, 2019

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