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The interconnection of the cultural potential of the Trenčín and Zlín regions is increasing

The fact that Trenčiansky region has a great tourist base has no doubt. To convince the participants of the international tourism conference "Cultural Heritage - Indelible Reference of the Past", prepared on Friday 14 December 2018 by the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín Region.

The congress premises of the Office of the Trencin Autonomous Region were filled by the professional and lay public 10 days before Christmas and listened to interesting themes focused on the cultural heritage of the Trenčín region. The lecturers presented their long-standing experience in the field of land management, familiarized the audience with the impasse for their reconstruction and did not miss the vision for the future.

The introduction of the event was a presentation of the conference organizer's activities, in which the director of the KOCR Trenčín region, Eva Fryvaldská talked not only about the past few months, but also about the activities or news in preparation. "In order to make accessible places for disabled tourists inaccessible, we are preparing a pilot program for a barrier-free destination with the civic association Without Barrier. The first step was the creation of audio recordings that bring the beauty of our sights to the blind or otherwise disabled people who would never get to Matusov Tower of the Trenčín Castle, " Frývaldská said.

The International Tourism Conference was an introductory activity of the project "Cultural and Historical Heritage as a Basic Attribute of National Awareness", in which KOCR Trenčín Region participates as the main cross-border partner. On behalf of the project partner - the Tourist Authority of East Moravia - the marketing expert Zdeněk Urbanovský presented the goals or outputs of the implemented project. At the same time, he has approached its essence, which is to connect the cultural infrastructure of the Trenčín and Zlín regions to the integrated tourism product. The result of the cooperation should be printed materials, maps, itineraries linking well-known and less well-known tourist treasures of the Trenčín region and Eastern Moravia, and educational routes intended for the professional and lay public, which will be available in print or placed on the website of the Slovak and Czech project partners.

What news visitors from Trenčín Castle can expect in the near future, the director of the Trenčín Museum, Peter Martinisko , told the audience. "Our ambition is to modernize the lighting of the castle with respect to the environment and to achieve the effect of the dignified illuminated dominance of Trenčín," wrote Martinisko and added the mention of the modernization of the exhibition expositions of the castle. The reconstruction of a functionalistic monument, the Zelená faba swimming pool, which was dilapidated for 15 years, was lectured by the representative of the Spa Zelená faba Spa in Trenčianske Teplice, Ján Svoboda . He stressed in the paper that the maximum use of the building and its way back to life was not easy to produce, and often, when achieving this goal, the reconstructionists encountered a contradiction "monument versus functional tourism equipment". The professional conference of tourism was concluded by the deputy of the pilgrimage site Skalka, Katarína Darvašová with the words: "Many tourists are very happy to return to this place of peace and tranquility. Visitors from Slovakia, from the Czech Republic and from all over the world, both believers and non-believers, who come to replenish energy or discover the charm of the pilgrimage site of Skalka near Trenčín. "

Trenčín, 14.12.2018

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