


Christmas in the theater

07. 12. 2017 - 10. 12. 2017

Date nad time

Thursday 07. December 2017 -
Sunday 10. December 2017
in Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday


Partizánska 17
907 01 Myjava

Vianoce v divadle
Vianoce v divadle

Christmas in the theater

The fourteenth edition of the pre-Christmas event "on plates that mean the world".

Theater lovers will arrive on their days from 7th to 10th December 2017. Kopaničiarska "metropolis" - Myjava, will once again become a favorite of the Christmas festival in the theater. Prepared performances are for different age categories, so you'll be picking it up. The organizer of the event - The Korbac Myjava Theater Association, in cooperation with and with the financial support of the Myjava self-government, has prepared a rich program. Within four days, the audience at Samud Dudik Culture House in Myjava will be able to watch eight performances in the direction of five Slovak and Czech theaters. The cultural experience is complemented by the Funny Fellows concert and the traditional Terrace of Fame ceremony. For more information about the event and the detailed program, please see the attached poster and the website of Christmas Festival in the theater .

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Address Partizánska 17
907 01 Myjava


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