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Cyclobuses carried 210 bicycles during the season

The summer season of buses with a towed bicycle truck in the Trenčín Region is successfully over, from June to September it has been used by many bicycle enthusiasts.

Cyclobuses operated for three months on two routes starting in Trenčín. The first from the regional town to Nitra Rudno was used by the public more than the second leader from Trenčín to Bánovce nad Bebravou. On the first route towards the upper Nitra, 156 bicycles were transported, the second with their two-wheeled father decided to use 54 people. The Trenčín self-governing region has been providing a service with the aim of developing cycling infrastructure and tourism in the region for five years now. During that time, almost 1,300 bicycles had already been transported together.

This year, too, it was true that everyone who took a picture of using the regional cycle bus and sent us a photo was automatically rewarded with the Green County cycling package.

Source: Dept. communication and international relations of TSK

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