Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) The Trenčín Region also presented tourism news this year at the ITF Slovakiatour International Fair which took place from 25th to 28th January 2018 in Bratislava. On the first day of this event, during the festive opening of the exhibition KOCR Trenčín, the public presented the prizes for the best in tourism in the Trenčín region.
In the KOCR Trenčín presentation stand, the region was represented by members of the regional tourism organizations (OOCR), namely OOCR Trenčianske Teplice, OOCR Horné Považie, OOCR Horná Nitra - Bojnice and OOCR Trenčín and the surrounding area, during the four days of the fair. "Participating organizations have come up with a wealth of promotional material, a map, or even a fairy tale from the region. Visitors to the fair also prepared a regional specialty tasting, " said the chairman of KOCR Trenčín region Juraj Gerlici . Those who visited the stand of the regional tourism organization in Trenčín could enjoy, for example, on the bath wafers from Trenčianske Teplice, taste cheeses, potato scrubs and burgundy baby from Horné Považie, try fish spreads from AGRO Fish farm from Horni Nitra, or drink the Prievidza beer. The first day of the fair included the presentation of the OOCR region Horná Nitra-Bojnice, which offered participants not only tourist experiences, but also original tastes and traditional music of the Upper-Slovak region. The guitar duo composed by Marek Kotian and Roman Meciar , the young singers of Simonka and Michaela Tomíková and gajdoš Viktor Štovčík were presented as part of the cultural program. Visitors to the stand also attracted the presentation of the Trenčín Museum in Trenčín , which presented the Katov craft in the form of a live kata. The ceremonial opening of the booth began with the spectacular aerial acrobatics from Vertigo.
KOCR The Trenčín region has decided to award awards for the best in Trenčín region for the first time. Top nomination for TOP accommodation, TOP innovations in tourism or the personality of tourism were submitted by individual OOCRs from the Trenčín Region. The jury decided on the winners. The winner of the prize at the stand was presented by the chairman of KOCR Trenčín Juraj Gerlici together with the chairman of the specialized jury, Štefan Škultéty. The TOP accommodation award for 2017 was awarded to the Hotel Elizabeth **** in Trenčín, whose quality of service is confirmed by a number of satisfied customers and prestigious international awards.
Two TOP Awards have been awarded in the category TOP innovations in tourism . One for the Tree House , built on trees near the spa park in Trenčianske Teplice. Another top innovation in 2017 has become the Mobile Tourist Guide of Prievidza - a modern mobile application for visitors to the city of Prievidza, available in both English and English. "We have managed a very interesting product that will surely appreciate the tourists who come to Prievidza. The mobile application includes QR codes, one-touch telephony or language mutations, "said Norbert Végh, creator of the application.
In the category of tourism , the jury decided to award awards for representatives of the non-profit as well as the business sector. The prize was awarded to Anton Blaho from the HIPO MAČOV Hipotherapeutic Association . From the advice of the entrepreneur, Martin Pavlík, the director of the Nimnica Spa Company, was the personality of tourism. Under his leadership, the spa is experiencing modernization, development and boom. "It was a big surprise for me, we have a strong competition in the region, and we are more likely to advise younger brothers who have yet to catch up. It is encouraging and binding at the same time, it is necessary to constantly work not only on material but also on human development, " said the director of the youngest spa in Slovakia.
The best in tourism was chosen not only by a jury. The voice of the best gastronomic facility in the region could be passed on to the public. Among the 44 nominations received the most votes of Remy's Bistro & PUB in Trenčín . Tasty burgers have won a great leap over the vegetarian menu or international cuisine offered by prestigious restaurants.
KOCR Trenčín region has enriched the program of its stand by a contest that lasted until Sunday, January 28, 2018 . Visitors, after responding to a short poll, competed for attractive prizes : 2-day wellness stays for 2 persons in the Hotel Elizabeth in Trenčín, Hotel Bellassi in Bojnice, Hotel under the castle in Bojnice, Hotel Flóra in Trenčianske Teplice, entrance to the sauna world in Kúpele Green Frog in Trenčianske Teplice or family tickets for Beckov Castle and tickets for events in the area of Falcon Falcons in Bojnice.
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