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light rain

Tip for the trip July 11 - 17, 2016

Summer School of Art

The gallery of Miloš Alexandr Bazovský in Trenčín, in the founding area of ​​the Trenčian Autonomous Region, prepared creative moments for children from 7 to 14 years of age. The Summer School of Art will last from 11th to 15th July and from 1st to 5th August 2016. Children can enjoy a rich program full of visual techniques, games, discoveries and acquaintances of art. A variety of activities such as creative and experience workshops, a castle visit, excursions to visual arts, culture, and nature are prepared within a week of full art. More information about the event can be found on the enclosed poster or on the gallery's website - www.gmab.sk.

Venue: Gallery of MA Bazovského in Trenčín

Time: 11-15 July and 1/5 August 2016

The Čertov Painting Symposium - painting and relaxing in nature for everyone

Painters and non-artists, all fans of art and relaxation in nature, are cordially invited to Čertov, where the 3rd Summer Summer Symposium will take place. The symposium will be held in a beautiful place in nature, near Lazov pod Makytou and Moravia in the mountain wellness hotel Javorník ***. Nature painting with lessons for both beginners and advanced ones, drawing miniatures, creative development, art therapy, art lessons, relaxation exercises in nature, trips to historical sites and much more. Symposium offers the opportunity to come to an extended weekend or only for an extended weekend without accommodation. More information can be found at: http://www.ziv.sk/maliarske-sympozium-iii.-rocnik-certov-hotel-javornik-12.-17.7.-2016.html.

Venue: Čertov, Lazy pod Makytou

Date of the event: 12 - 17 July 2016

Medieval feast with queen witches

Experience the medieval atmosphere on your skin. In the area of ​​the Bojnice Court, you will have an evening full of music, dances, period battles, love and flames of the Witch Invasion on Wednesday, July 13, 2016. You can enjoy the delicacies of roasted meat, goulash and excellent atmosphere. The medieval feast will be thematically debated by Anna Rosina Thurz's storyline, which, according to legends, tortured the subjects and is cruelly compared to the bloody Count Elizabeth Báthory. For more information about the event, please see the attached poster.

Place: Bojnice Court, Bojnice

Time: July 13, 2016

Exhibition Cathedral

We invite you to open an exceptional multi-genre presentation of the project that combines art and music. The Cathedral project is the reproduction of works by prominent Transylvanian artists installed in the vault of the Art Gallery interior. The exhibition will be accompanied by a concert from the musical work of Ladislav Stancek, the most important Prievidzian composer, made by the professional art association Albrecht of Bratislava. Part of the exhibition, which runs until August 9, 2016, is a collection of original works. Entry is free. For more information, please see the attached poster.

Venue: Art gallery / Cinema Baník, Prievidza

Time: 15 July 2016, 17.00


The 40th orchestra of young musicians from the various faculties of the University of Porthsmouth (Great Britain) will play a concert of the 71st year of the oldest Central European Chamber Music Festival - Music Summer in Trenčianske Teplice, which runs from 8.7. - 2.9.2016. For more information, please see the attached poster.

Place: Kursalon, Trenčianske Teplice

Time: 15 July 2016, 7 pm

Beckovské slavnosti 2016

Under the majestic castle in Beckov, the traditional Beckov celebrations will be held again during the weekend. The vicious knights cross their arms and measure their strength, craftsmen show their artistic pieces and offer gourmet delicacies. During the festivities, the world championships will be held in the field of Fly - Forks. Children will be equipped with inflatable kingdoms, trampolines, a large interactive medieval camp and other attractions. For adults, Oldiesparty is going on Friday, and familiar bands such as Hex, Ine Kafe, Cechomor, Gypsy Diabli and K. Knecht will perform on weekends. For more information, please see the attached poster.

Place: Beckov

Time: 15 - 17.7.2016

Riding Race in Trenčianske Teplice

Spa town Trencianske Teplice invites to the 23rd edition of the traditional event - Riding Race for the Prize of the Town Mayor. The two-day sports and social event will take place on the 16th and 17th July 2016 in an attractive environment of the spa park in Trenčianske Teplice. You can enjoy parody jumps through obstacles, a demonstration of the accuracy and symbiosis of a horse rider. The organizers of the event are: Trenčianske Teplice, Regional Tourism Organization Trenčianske Teplice, Spa Trenčianske Teplice and Žrebčín Motešice. For more information about the event, please see the attached poster.

Location: Spa park, Trencianske Teplice

Time: 16-17 July 2016

Marik's folklore celebrations

The village of Horná Mariková and Považské osvetové středisko in Považská Bystrica in the founding area of ​​the Trenčín self-governing region invite you to the 24th Maricultural folklore festivities. In addition to performing folklore ensembles, accompanying events, such as demonstrations by folk art producers, traditional regional dishes, and "green meadow" games are prepared for children and brave adults. Visitors will also be able to see the Puchovska, Zliechovska and Hornoporubska valley costumes. For more information, please see the attached poster.

Place: Horná Mariková, from 11.00

Time: July 17, 2016

Tournament of the mayy's cup of Myjava

On Saturday, July 16, 2016, the 16th year of the Fire Brigade Competition will take place at the Myjava water reservoir - U Vankov. All categories of fire brigades can participate in the contests. In particular, men and women's cohorts will be particularly valued. Come to encourage the contestants who are fighting for the primacy of traditional firefighting. The teams placed in the first three places will receive prizes and the absolute winner will become the holder of the touring cup to the next competition. For more information and competitions, visit: http://www.myjava.sk/hasicska-sutaz-dhz-vankovia/.

Place : water reservoir U Vankov, Myjava

Time: July 16, 2016

Honorable Honor

Recall the 250th anniversary of Jozef Ilešházi's death at the Trenčín Castle. Trenčianske múzeum v Trenčíne in the founding area of ​​Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj in cooperation with the historical and artistic company Bojník prepared a night tour of the castle dedicated to this important Slovak origin. For visitors, on Saturday, July 16, 2016, there are "holes" from the life of the Ilešházi family, who owned the Trenčín Castle the longest among all the owners. More information about the event can be found on the enclosed poster or on the Trenčín Museum in Trenčín: www.muzeumtn.sk.

Venue: Trenčiansky Castle

Time: 16 July 2016 from 20.00

Diocesan pilgrimage to Skalka

At the pilgrim site of Skalka, on 16 and 17 July 2016, a Diocesan pilgrimage to the patrons of the Bishopric of Nitra - Andrej Svorad and Beňadik. The main guest of this year's pilgrimage will be the President of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Medical Workers - Archbishop Mons. Zigmund Zimowski from Rome. On the occasion of his visit, Saturday morning will be the day for health workers. Main St. The masses will be on Saturday at 11.00 am and 7.00 pm on Sunday at 10.30. Part of the Diocesan Paste program will be the opening of the 9th International Art and Artistic Symposium Ora et Ars, which will take place on Saturday, July 16, 2016, at 3:00 pm. The musical guest will be the vocal-instrumental ensemble of the Franciscan schola from Bratislava. For more information about the event, please see the attached poster.

Place: Pilgrimage place Skalka

Time: 16-17 July 2016

The day of the village Mestečko

The municipality of Mestečko, in cooperation with the Považský Osvetový Center in the founding area of ​​the Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj, cordially invites all natives, inhabitants of the village and the public to celebrate the 545th anniversary of the first written mention of the village. On this occasion, on Sunday, July 17, 2016, a cultural program will be prepared from 14.00 hrs in the Mestečko area, which will start the children's folk ensemble "Háječek" and continue with the performance of folk groups Mestečko, Viničiar, folk ensemble Senior Vršatec or Eminent music group. In the evening at 17.00, you can enjoy dance entertainment accompanied by Impulz. For more information about the event, please see the attached poster.

Place: Mestečko, Mestečko

Time: July 17, 2016

Relax in nature

The family-run wellness hotel Javorník *** is located in the mountainous surroundings of Javornik, in the nature reserve Čertov. The location is part of the protected landscape area Kysuce with beautiful nature, mountain air, hiking trails and ski slopes. Horský Hotel Javorník offers a quality wellness center right in the hotel. Accommodation with a family atmosphere is suitable for families with children, seniors, but also for children's ski lessons and schools in nature. The hotel also has spaces suitable for celebrations, small parties, conferences and teambuilding. The hotel kitchen is focused on traditional Slovak and Czech gastronomy.


Wellness Hotel Javorník ***

Lazy pod Makytou 646020 55

Lazy under Makita

+421 424 111 266

Recepcia@hoteljavornik.sk www.hoteljavornik.sk

Wellness and comfort

Enjoy the weekend in the attractive environment of the Flora Hotel. The facility is located directly in the center of the spa town Trenčianske Teplice. It provides its guests with comprehensive high-quality services. You can choose from a wide range of different stays, ranging from classic, complementary to area-specific stays - stay on the back, an antistress stay or a lot of others. In addition to treatment and expert consultation with a physiotherapist, you can use the modern wellness center, which is the pride of the hotel. Its dominant feature is a pool complex with two antique pools with many water attractions. In the sauna world, you can relax in 3 different saunas, a tepidarium or a waterway. The wellness center offers a fitness center and a summer terrace with sun loungers.  


Hotel Flóra, asul. November 17

14914 51 Trencianske Teplice

+421 32 6554 555



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