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Tickets for HoryZonty 2022 are already on sale, the entire festival pass is also available

The HoryZonty adventure film festival will compete for the favor of its viewers for the 17th time. It will take place between November 10 and 12, 2022 in the Crew Club (ODA) in Trenčín.

The audience will be able to watch thirty films from 11 countries in the 600-seat cinema hall. In the premises of Dom armády, as Trenčians usually call the largest cultural stand of the regional city, visitors can also look forward to an exhibition of the best photos sent to the photo competition, as well as an exhibition of photos with the stories of people who conquered the Cesta hrdinov SNP. Those interested in the exhibition will also find cheerful stories, stories about obstacles, personal losses and psychological strengthening.

The festival program, consisting of five film-presentation blocks, will traditionally begin on Thursday evening and will continue on Friday and Saturday, when it will culminate with the ceremonial announcement of the results of the international film competition. The change compared to previous years is that the Friday and Saturday afternoon film blocks will start at 2:30 p.m. and end at approximately 6:00 p.m. The start time of the evening screening does not change compared to the past, it starts at 7:00 p.m. on all three festival days. The length of individual blocks, made up of several films and breaks, exceeds three hours. In each block, viewers can watch not only films that are rarely distributed in regular cinemas, but also presentations by prominent figures in outdoor sports and engage in conversations with interesting and inspiring people.

Tickets for individual blocks, as well as the more affordable full-festival season ticket, can be purchased in advance until Wednesday, November 9, 2022 at the Trenčín KIC on Mierovo námestí. A new feature is the possibility of buying tickets online through the TOOTOOT portal. From November 10, 2022, it will be possible to purchase tickets only at the Army House, one hour before the performance and during the individual film-presentation blocks.

For more information: Stanislava Farkašová, PR manager of the HoryZonty festival, stanislava.farkasova@gmail.com, +421 917 586 412

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