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Birdhouses were hung in the historic park

Ján Baltazár Magin Park in Dubnice nad Váhom is one of the protected cultural monuments. An interesting novelty has been added to the treetops - 30 birdhouses. They are a refuge not only for several types of operands, but also for squirrels and bats.

The project was initiated by local activist Jaroslav Vyhnička. In the previous months, the booths themselves were set up free of charge by the Slovak Ornithological Society / BirdLife Slovakia. There are 20 pieces intended for smaller species of birds, the remaining 10 are used for larger species of birds or squirrels. They are located so that visitors can see them with the naked eye, in addition, they have a natural appearance, so they do not cause disruption. "I believe that these new elements will be of educational importance not only for the visitors of the park, but also for the general public, because at present there is the greatest need to protect and care for the environment, which we often take as a normal part of our lives," said Vyhnička. The birdhouses have only been installed for a short time, which is why it is difficult to evaluate how they have proven. "Their significance and meaning can also be observed in the winter. Birdhouses have been hung in the historical park, where they serve as a shelter from the cold and bad weather for many animals," added a local activist.

In the Dubnica park, visitors can observe several bird species, but the most common are the white tit, the black thrush, the common jay and the woodpecker. "One of the rarities and in the future, I guess, a common part of the park is the eared mouse. She nested here last year, so we hope that she will return to the park after the huts have been installed, "Vyhnička hoped. In the future, birdhouses could be added in other parts of Dubnice nad Váhom. "We see the potential to continue the project and expand it throughout the city, so that every citizen or visitor has a piece of nature at their fingertips and future generations can enjoy it," concluded Vyhnička.

photo: FB Dubnický manor house

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