The Slovak National Museum-Bojnice Museum has once again opened the gates of Bojnice Castle to the general public.
Visitors to the castle can choose from two sightseeing tours. The castle tour introduces visitors to the aristocracy. A hot new feature of the circuit is the interactive multimedia projection, which uses modern technologies and the use of archival image material to bring the period images of the chateau closer in contrast to the present. The gallery circuit brings visitors the best of the museum's collection, including the Huňady Hall and the chateau chapel. An interesting feature of the circuit are touch monitors, which allow visitors to view selected collection items using modern technology.
In the current situation, there are guided tours, visitors go through the castle with the help of accompanying texts. These are available in printed or electronic form. Visitors can download the electronic version to their mobile device via a QR code or directly from the museum's website.
Due to the current epidemiological situation, museum visitors are obliged to endure some restrictions during the tour of the castle. Before entering the building, it is necessary to submit a negative test not older than 7 days. At the same time, visitors are obliged to cover their mouths and noses with a respirator.
The museum is currently open daily except Mondays from 10:00 to 15:00.
Source: SNM
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