The cycling project, the main goal of which is to draw attention to the beauties of the Trenčín region and at the same time enjoy sports, is coming for the fourth time. The Trenčín Highlands belongs to the events with a growing trend and international participation. To get it, you have to conquer 20 pre-selected peaks in our region.
With the onset of spring and warmer weather, the fourth year of the cycling project called Vrchárska koruna Trenčianska (VKT) will start this week. This will be won by every avid cyclist who will overcome all the prescribed peaks in the region by 30 November 2019. However, even those who enjoy hiking instead of two bikes do not have to despair either. The Trenčín Highlands can therefore be obtained not only in the Bike category, but also in others, namely Run & Walk & Dog and VKT handicap. The latter is intended for participants who, due to any kind of handicap, cannot climb all 20 hills. Interest in the event is increasing every year. One of the most famous sporting events in the region has so far attracted more than 1,000 participants from various countries. "Last year, a record number of participants from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, but also from Germany and Sweden applied," said one of the main organizers, Radoslav Tilandy.
This year's peaks include Butkov, Inovec, Ostrý vrch, Bradlo, Papajské sedlo, Klenová Lookout Tower, Sádok, Sedlo Lúčky, Skala, Stratenec, Svätý Vendelín, Štyri chotáre, Kortmanka, Veľká Javorina, Tematín or Uhrovský and Trenčín castles. The first joint trip, which will lead directly to the former residence of Matúš Čák, is scheduled for Wednesday, April 10, 2019. “In addition to the number of organized trips, there will also be themed days on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the tragic end of our native MR Štefánik, a trip for children and parents to Bradlo with an excursion in the museum, an event focused mainly on young people or a discussion with exceptional cyclists on April 13 in Bike Park Kálnica, “ added Radoslav Tilandy.
One of the main partners of the Trenčín Highlands is the Trenčín self-governing region, which has long supported the event financially and the regional tourism organization Trenčín region.
Source: Dept. communication and international relations, TSK
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