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The Trenčianske Teplice Music Summer Festival will start its 76th season on Friday

Fans of quality music can once again look forward to a rich cultural summer in the spa town of Trenčianske Teplice. On Friday, July 1, the 76th year of the Music Summer Festival officially begins with a gala concert by the jazz-swing orchestra Bratislava Hot Serenaders.

With the introductory program, we move into the golden era of the beginning of the last century, which was dominated by beauty, nobility and elegance. It was during this period that the Music Summer event was established, which is still recognized as the oldest chamber music festival in Central Europe. The unique Bratislava Hot Serenaders orchestra, conducted by trumpet player Juraj Bartoš, is one of the world's leaders in authentic interpretations of jazz music of the 1920s and 1930s. Viewers will enjoy songs in the rhythm of swing, but they can also admire original musical instruments from the 1920s or elegant dresses and tuxedos tailored in a vintage style.

"The music summer, as an event, of course, is constantly evolving, just like the culture itself, within which newer genres are also used. For this reason, the festival brings the audience a much more diverse range of musical genres than in the past. In addition to classical music, which will satisfy the most demanding listeners, we also include jazz, pop, folklore and even theater in the program structure. This year, the festival will offer ten unforgettable concerts and performances. The locals, the memorials of the festival, who will not miss a single year of the event, but also young people, will find something to their liking. The Music Summer offers spa guests cultural entertainment during their healing stay, " explains Zuzana Danechová , the festival's production manager.

The event was again sponsored by the Minister of Culture of the Slovak Republic, Natália Milanová : “The offer of the Trenčianske Teplice Music Summer is always as varied as the summer itself. I am already looking forward to the pleasant atmosphere of the spa town and to the events at the Kursalon. ”

The July program of the Music Summer will continue with a cappella concert of the greatest hits of the successful Slovak vocal group FRAGILE , which will perform world songs without accompaniment of musical instruments with ease, insight and its typical humor. Robo Opatovský and the band will tune us into his romantic songs and rhythmic songs, full of energy, but also personal confessions. A week later, we find ourselves in the faith of folk dances with unforgettable folklore choreographies by SĽUK entitled Selection of Works , which will map folk customs throughout Slovakia. The last Sunday in July will belong to the theatrical comedy Crazy Scissors from the workshop of the Bratislava Musical Theater Teatro Wüstenrot . Crazy situations, unexpected unravelings and points await us, but also a unique conversational acting improvisation, which is co-created by the audience themselves.

The August line-up will be opened by the charming singer, pianist and composer Mária Čírová , whose songs are a deep intimate statement about various life situations, people, difficult and joyful moments. For a change , Peter Lipa and Zuzana Mikulcová will present a musical Meeting of Two Generations . The legend and young blood of Slovak jazz can master the atmosphere of the concert. If you also like elements of R&B, groove, chanson, pop-soul or electronic music, you will come to your senses. However, if during the summer you will be asked for a good dose of energy, passion and temperament in a unique combination of folk music, world classics, or other genres, such as ethno, flamenco or gypsy music, get ready for a grand celebration. The Gypsy Devils will visit Kursalon with their program of 15 years on stage , in which you can enjoy unique musical arrangements and huge virtuosity. We will then commemorate the greatest hits of the 1980s and 1990s together with the fixture of the Slovak music scene, Beáta Dubasová .

The festival will close on Friday, September 2, with the Slovak Chamber Orchestra (SKO) with its final concert, Music of Two Centuries . The finals of the event will therefore be enjoyed especially by fans of classical music, who can look forward to the greats of world classics. SKO under the direction of conductor and artistic director Ewald Danel will offer unique compositions that were born over a period of two centuries.

For more info: Zuzana Danechová, production manager, CULTURA oz, danechova@spicybrown.sk, +421 915 050 862

Anna Salvová, PR manager, CULTURA oz, salvova@spicybrown.sk; +421 904 980 859

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