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ŠTÚR TÚR knows all the winners!

The summer game ŠTÚR TÚR, announced by the regional tourism organization (KOCR) Trenčín region, is officially over. Thanks to the competition, the general public had the opportunity to get to know up to 10 dominants, but also lesser-known, attractive places in the Trenčín Region. Everyone could participate in it through e-mail registration, which lasted from 15 to 31 July 2020. Participants then visited the competition venues with a multifunctional scarf Trenčín region. After successfully conquering all localities, they gradually sent photos until Tuesday, September 15, 2020.

All those who met the conditions and sent 10 photos from places with a scarf, automatically received a unique T-shirt Trenčín region and were also included in the draw for the main prize - a family wellness stay for two adults and two children with breakfast in the Malé Bielice Thermal Baths.

"We are very happy that the summer game ŠTÚR TÚR was a great success and excellent responses. A total of 679 people applied, of whom 183 successfully completed and visited all competition venues. We were surprised that the game had not only a regional but also a national character, as residents from other regions, such as the Trnava, Nitra, Banská Bystrica or Žilina regions, but also from Bratislava and Košice, also took part, "said Eva Frývaldská, Executive Director of KOCR Trenčín Region. .

Wellness experience for 11 winners

In addition to the main prize, 10 lucky winners were drawn, who receive a special prize - a wellness entrance to the Malé Bielice Thermal Baths. The winners include Alena Mikušincová, Veronika Ďurišková, Mária Cibičková, Miroslav Dobiáš, Zuzana Bango, Martina Kukučková, Lenka Minárechová, Ľuboš Hamaj, Michal Gašpárek and Ivan Miko . The main prize in the form of a relaxing wellness stay in the Malé Bielice Thermal Baths is won by Petr Honzek and his family. Congratulations to all the winners and we believe that the prize will contribute to a new portion of unforgettable experiences from the Trenčín region.

Text: MT

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