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The Story of Love at the Trencian Castle

On Sunday night at the Lower Courtyard of Trenčiansky Castle, he revived the romantic and, at the same time, cruel story of the love of two brothers, the lords of Považský Castle Rafael and Ján Podmanický, to the beautiful Hedvige. The tones of the operetta "Love to Conscience" performed by soloists and the members of the Metropolitan Orchestra Bratislava were telling a medieval legend inspired by Mikuláš Dohnány - Podmaninovci's theater play and sounded the cool walls of the castle.

Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín Region prepared an exceptional program on Sunday, August 14, 2016 - Soirée with operetta and picnic at the Trenčín Castle . Within this event, not only lovers of classical music, but also families with children or young couples can experience unforgettable performances in the romantic castle premises. "I am glad that the event aimed at promoting Trenčiansky hrad as a significant tourism destination in the Trenčín region and also attracting families with children who could have enjoyable moments in picnics and music," said KOCR Trenčín Region Juraj Gerlici .

The evening program also included a children's playground, where animators from Vůlka Púchov leisure center prepared various activities for children. Painting on the face or cutouts involved the smallest, and the parents could fully enjoy the musical motifs of the operetta. As indicated in the title of the event, the musical evening was associated with a picnic. Guests have the opportunity to bring a basket full of goodies or to buy a picnic menu right on the spot and to enjoy relaxing on the deck or in the view of the castle amphitheater.

The operetta opened the director of the regional tourism organization Trenčín region Eva Frývaldská , who also welcomed the rare guests of the evening. Among the many Vice-Presidents of the Trencin Self-governing Region, Jozef Trstenský , the Director of the Trencin Self-Governing Region and the President of KOCR Trenčín, the region of Juraj Gerlici and the author of the libretto of the operetta Love of the Opposition Oľga Duhana . In the introduction, the audience of the Metropolitan Orchestra Bratislava Roman Pálka addressed the audience: "We brought a new Slovak operetta to Trenčín called Love of Conscience. It is the first operetta in Slovakia since 1961. The performance takes place at the Castle of Hrabal, the residence of the Podmanické robber knights. It's their operetta story. I believe he will like the overseas audience to the Trencian audience, and I also believe we are not here the last time. "

Despite the unfavorable weather that the operetta has already cut in the last few minutes, it has managed to create an unmistakable atmosphere. Successful Soirée event with operetta and picnic at the Trenčín Castle proves that Trenčiansky region offers a great deal of opportunities for the development of domestic tourism. The pleasant atmosphere of the event, which was dedicated to families with children, married couples and all fans of classical music, pleased the organizers of KOCR Trenčín region and partners of the event: Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj, Trenčianske múzeum v Trenčíne, Spa Trenčianske Teplice a PD Čachtice .

For more information contact: Ing. Pavol Štefčík, regional tourism organization Trenčín region, To the lower station 7282 / 20A, Trenčín, e-mail: pavol.stefcik@trencinregion.sk; Tel .: +421 901 918 854

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