If you like exploring the surrounding countryside and breathing fresh air through two wheels, the long-distance international cycle route BEVLAVA will fascinate you with its location and length of the route. You can get there from the Beskydy Mountains through the White Carpathians to Považie. You will have the beautiful Moravian-Slovak border in the palm of your hand.
It got its name thanks to the fact that in the future it will connect the basin of the rivers Bečva, Vlára and Váh. At present, there are already 35 kilometers of cycle paths, which are connected to the Vážská cycle route and Bečva. Thanks to the mild profile, this route is ideal not only for active cyclists, but also for families with children or seniors. The route will be enjoyed not only by sports lovers, but also by culture and nature enthusiasts, who will find many places worthy of attention along the way.
Attractions of the Zlín and Trenčín regions
In the Zlín Region, a total of 28 km of routes are currently accessible, namely a 10 km long section from Ústí u Vsetína to the village of Lužná and a 14 km section of Valašské Klobouky - Brumov-Bylnice - Svatý Štěpán. The town of Valašské Klobouky will attract visitors especially with its rich history. The center is a city monument zone. Unique folk wooden houses and magnificent Art Nouveau buildings by architect Hubert Gessner have been preserved. Brumov will enchant the famous castle, which offers an exhibition on history, monuments and nature. It is also popular for the sports complex and swimming pool.
From Svatý Štěpán it is possible to continue in the direction of Slovakia about 3 km along the 1st class road to the Vlára Pass, where it is possible to connect to the 10 km long section of the Bevlava Horné Srnie - Nemšová cycle route. Along this route, cyclists can visit the ruins of Vršatec Castle, which stands on a limestone ridge. In Nemšová it is possible to see Králik's mill with an exposition of milling.
Tourists will enjoy the opportunity to take an educational trip through the Luborčianská valley. In addition, above the local part of Trenčianske Závada there is a lookout tower with beautiful views of the whole middle Považie. The Bevlava cycle route in Nemšová feeds directly to the Vážská cycle route, which then goes, for example, to the pilgrimage site of Veľká Skalka. The monastery together with the nearby Benedict's Cave are part of the oldest pilgrimage site in Slovakia, which is carved directly into the rock.
The Bevlava cycle route represents an active and unusual time spent on "roads", which will resonate in you for a long time to come. It represents a combination of sport, culture, rest, tourism and relaxation, ie the right mix for surviving unforgettable trips.
In Trenčín on April 26, 2021
Text: MT
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