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31st Hornonitrian folklore festival

On Fridays and Saturdays, 24th and 25th June 2016, the 31st Hornonitrian folklore celebrations, which are the largest folklore festival in Upper Nitra, took place. There were almost 700 folklorists, folk artists and other performers in both scenic and non-cinematic programs and activities. The event was attended by around 3,000 visitors for two days. The festivities were presented with a new visual identity, under which Academic Architect Rastislav Nemec signed it.

At the beginning of the event everyone welcomed Children's folk music from Rokos . Beginning was the Veselé children's program with subtitle Sew bags, sew . There were up to 11 children's folk ensembles from the region. A slight departure from traditional folklore was the performance of the Slovak-Moldavian "worldmusic" trio Pacora . The conclusion of the day was the performance of folk music Poluvská hudba with the singer Lenka Vaňová .

On the second day of the ceremony, the folklore groups from the region called Na harmok opened their doors. This year's theme was focused on craft and domestic production. Stanislav Maleg directed 12 folk groups and 2 folk music. The Bridges program was dedicated to traditional Romani culture. Another program was the performance of the guest - folk ensemble Rozsutec . The end of the evening was the second year of the Dance School , which was played on the stage under the direction of Milena Pánisová with dancing instructor Tomáš Bakytom .

The accompanying events also included, for several years, photographic exhibitions, art workshops designed for children and a traditional craft fair with more than twenty craftsmen. Part of the festival included a presentation of traditional folk cuisine combined with the tasting, with which the 7 municipalities of the region first came. This program was prepared by the Association of Towns and Communities of Upper Nitra .

The event took place under the auspices of a deputy of the National Council of the Slovak Republic and of the President of Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj Ing. Jaroslav Bašek and deputy of the National Council of the Slovak Republic and Mayor of Prievidza JUDr. Katarína Macháčková . The main organizer of the Hornonitrian folklore celebrations was the Regional Cultural Center in Prievidza in the founding area of ​​the Trenčín Self-governing Region . Co-organizers were the City of Prievidza, the Hornonitrian Museum in Prievidza, the Association of Towns and Municipalities of the Upper Nitra, the Cultural and Social Center in Prievidza, TEZAS, sro Prievidza.

For more information contact: Mgr. Ľudmila Húsková, Director of RKC in Prievidza, e-mail: ludmila.huskova@rkcpd.sk ; Tel .: +421 46 512 18 10

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