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The jury selected photos that will fight for the championship

In the period from March 20, 2019 to April 22, 2019, the public had the opportunity to participate in the spring photo competition "Trenčín Region is Awakening", which was announced by the regional tourism organization Trenčín Region. On Tuesday, April 23, 2019, an expert jury convened, which selected the best 15 of the 145 submitted photos from 54 photographers, for which the public can vote until May 12, 2019.

The jury composed of an expert commission consisting of professional photographers Radovan Stoklas - a successful photojournalist, Barbora Varga-Petríková - director of the MA Bazovský art gallery in Trenčín and Eduard Genserek - holder of the Slovak Press Photo 2018 award, had a difficult task, but finally agreed on 15 advancers photos.

Based on them, they can also make recommendations for new shippers : For future contributors who decide to participate in the next photo competition, we recommend that they focus their attention on photographing people in their daily activities in the Trenčín Region. The holiday season is approaching, during which really beautiful photos can be taken during nature tourism or summer swimming, ”said Radovan Stoklasa.

Valuable prices are already ready

Registered photos for which the public can vote are available on the website www.trencinregion.sk/fotosutaz-jar2019

For the winner, who will be placed in the first place, there is Dron, a model of DJI Ryze Tello, which has a built-in HD camera with the possibility of making video in 720 / 30p resolution and photos with 5MPx resolution. The second prize is a voucher for dinner for 2 people in the Restaurant under the Castle in Trenčín and the third winner can look forward to a free family ticket to Beckov Castle .

However, valuable prizes are not only won by photographers, but also by voters. Voting is possible from Wednesday, April 24, 2019 until Sunday, May 12, 2019.

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