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The spring photo competition "Trencin region is waking up" starts

Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trencin region decided to declare a new thematic photo competition called "Trencin region wakes up" for its great success. This time, lay and professional photographers will have the task of capturing the beauty of spring sights, snapshots or the nature of the Trenčín region. Valuable prizes can be won by three competitors and three voters.

With the announcement of a new photo competition, KOCR Trenčín followed up with the great success and positive responses in the case of previous photos competitions - the autumn “Trenčín region plays with colors” and the winter “Winter with us trblice”. “We believe that in the case of the spring photo contest, the contestants will be as creative as they have done so far and that we will not only be the creators of photographs, but we will also be able to boast beautiful traces of the Trenčín region. The awakening country often encourages the creativity of the artists, creating truly unique creations, ” added Juraj Gerlici, chairman of KOCR Trenčín.

Inviting prizes for winners and voters

The photo can be registered on the website www.trencinregion.sk/fotosutaz-jar2019 from the first spring day, ie from 20 March 2019 to 22 April 2019 . Of the total number of submitted photos, the jury will select the 15 best ones for which the public will then vote on 24 April 2019 to 12 May 2019 . The first three photos with the highest number of votes will receive valuable prizes.

The winner, who will take the first place, will take home Dron, model DJI Ryze Tello, which has built-in HD camera with the possibility of making 720 / 30p video and 5MPx photo. The second prize is a voucher for a dinner for 2 people in the restaurant under the castle in Trenčín and the third winner can look forward to a free family ticket to Beckov Castle .

Voting prizes will also be motivated by voters who will be automatically included in the draw. Complete information and conditions of the competition are available on the above-mentioned website of the competition announcer and in the attached document.

Author: MT

Trencin, 19 March 2019


Štatút fotosúťaže "Trenčiansky kraj sa prebúdza"

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