One of the categories of the TOP competition in tourism in the Trenčín Region, which is decided annually by an expert commission, is the TOP tourist product. The winner of this category in 2021 reflected on the current situation in tourism and the current needs of guests. It became a product of Kúpeľov Trenčianske Teplice as, a spa stay called Post-Covid Medical . Andrej Puček, Sales and Marketing Director at Kúpele Trenčianske Teplice as, told us more about this product, how it was created and how successful it is.
1. The Post-Covid Medical treatment stay was awarded by a professional jury as the Top Tourist Product in the Trenčín Region in 2021. Are people still interested in it?
The interest in these stays is great. As this disease causes multiorgan involvement, spa treatment is an ideal way of rehabilitation. In our spa we offer postcovide stays for self-payers since January 2021. During this period, we have treated several hundred clients with this diagnosis
2. How did the idea to create such a product originate and when did the first spa guests use it?
The idea originated in the autumn of 2020. We constantly try to follow trends in spas and spa tourism. Therefore, we monitored the development of such medical products abroad and, following the example of Germany, France and the Czech Republic, we prepared a similar type of stay in Trenčianske Teplice.
3. How is it different from a standard spa stay?
Spa treatment is very suitable for this type of disease, as it provides a more comprehensive rehabilitation approach due to multiorgan disability. During the spa treatment, the interaction of thermal baths with massages, respiratory rehabilitation, inhalations, oxygen therapy and mild physical activities, such as Nordic walking and individual exercise, has beneficial effects. Spa procedures are adapted to the individual current state and specific organ disability. In convalescence after several months of overcoming COVID-19, breathing exercises that do not burden physical activities such as walking, swimming, getting enough sleep and avoiding stress can be recommended.
4. What age category of spa guests is mostly interested in this type of treatment stay?
The Post Covid Medical spa stay is used by spa guests of all ages.
5. Does the insurance company pay for such a stay?
From mid-April 2021, it is possible to complete such stays on the basis of an approved proposal through health insurance companies, but due to the complexity of the approval process, we have treated only a few dozen clients in our spa through a health insurance company.
6. Do spa guests come from more distant places because of this product? Do foreign guests also use it?
Yes, guests come from all over Slovakia and also several dozen clients from abroad.
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