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heavy rain

The monuments of the Trenčín region yawn empty

The current pandemic has significantly affected the lives of each of us. The dominants of the Trenčín Region, which, until further notice, remain closed, have not escaped either. Many of them use this time for administrative, planning and repair purposes. However, due to zero attendance, even in this case, the maintenance of castles is a difficult task that castellans and directors have to fight.

In recent years, castles in the Trenčín region have generally maintained an increasing trend of tourist attendance both from Slovakia and abroad. In 2019, Trenčín Castle enjoyed record attendance with 152,189 people. This year, however, the statistics are unlikely to be so favorable. "In March and April alone, we will lose about 13,000 visitors. In May, it could be another 17,000. Nevertheless, we dedicate this time to intensive cleaning and cleaning of display cases, which cannot be reached during normal operation. The cannon bastion and the fifth gate, on which the roof will be changed, will also undergo the change, “ added Peter Martinisko, director of the Trenčín Museum in Trenčín.

Traffic will drop rapidly

Not only Trenčín Castle will have lower traffic statistics in 2020. The numbers will touch all landmarks. Tourists also liked to visit Beckov Castle. Last year, up to 81,320 people from all over Slovakia and abroad came. "Given the current situation, we are planning austerity measures, but also the dismissal and cancellation of programs. We have already canceled the programs by mid-May. I'm afraid we will have to cancel everything until the end of June. But we are still doing what we can. In addition to the amount of administration, we would like to repair the chapel on the south side and there should also be paintings in the Gothic windows. We want to make a floor in the North Palace and prepare this space for next season, " said Peter Pastier , director of the Beckov Castle Association.

Every year, Čachtice Castle also has an increasing tendency for visitors. With 68,348 visitors, it holds the position of the 4th most visited castle in the Trenčín Region in 2019. “We are currently waiting with everything. We would like to start solving at least the planned construction work. We are currently dealing with classic maintenance, slowly sweeping the corners. The closure of the castle will definitely disrupt our statistics. Already during this period, during warmer weekends, we had high traffic numbers. April, May, June are the months when there are many school trips that do not take place this year. Even these days, quite a lot of tourists go up to the castle, but, unfortunately, they will not get behind the castle gates, "said Katarína Orthová, the castellan of the Čachtice castle.  

Work continues

Due to the closure of all castles, it is currently possible to prepare for the season and perform various works. In the case of Bystrica Castle, it is about quenching lime, repairing pads or installing scaffolding. Spring maintenance will also be performed at Lednica Castle. In both cases, they still assume that the summer season will be able to start on May 1.

Tematín Castle will start conservation work from April 6, 2020, when 10 new employees will come from the Labor Office. These works are carried out as part of the preservation of cultural heritage and, as every year, will take place for 7 months until the end of October. Due to the fact that the castle is a ruin, it is only partially closed to the public. It is therefore necessary to follow the basic hygiene regulations during the visit.

Uhrovec Castle, which is also preparing for the summer season, will not lag behind either. A novelty will be the outbuilding, which should be approved this year. Even in this case, the monument is only partially closed. While the upper courtyard is inaccessible to the public, visitors can reach the lower courtyard without any problems.

The icing on the cake is Kúria Ambrovec in Beckov, which after 2 years has undergone a complete reconstruction and its grand opening will be as soon as possible this year.

In Trenčín, 31.3.2020

Text: MT

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