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Action Spa in the region - increased the attractiveness of spa Tr. Teplice

The 4th year of the "Spa in the Region" event, organized with the support of Trenčianske Teplice, as well as municipalities and localities connected to it, ended in Spa Trenčianske Teplice. The interest of the visitors exceeded the expectations of the organizers and the achieved results of the event indicate that the quality spa services are not without a positive response in the form of increased public interest.

For the duration of the event (from 1 December to 23 December 2015 and from 2 January to 29 February 2016), citizens of 46 localities and municipalities could use specially favored admissions - up to 50% discount on all thermal pools and 30% discount on the Grand outdoor pool.

Compared to the previous year, the project attracted more than 2 810 spa guests, with an increase in regional discounts increasing regularly, with about 400 visitors a week.


"We have noticed that the interest has increased from month to month, which we explain so that visitors have gone out of the baths satisfied, and their positive positive references in the region have fallen so fertile soil. At the same time, we are pleased that the total number of visitors to the 4th year of Buckwheels in the region reached record visitors, "commends the success of the Mayor of Trenčianske Teplice Štefan Škultéty.

"We take the positive response of the public into a record participation as a commitment to the future, so that we do not get involved in streamlining our services," adds Michal Vojtas, General Manager of Trenčianske Teplice. "Even in the next 5th edition of the event, we will look at ways to bring the region's wide public to the region's optimal use of operational capabilities so that the comfort of visitors is kept fully respected in every year's increasing interest in Spa in the region.

Spa Trencianske Teplice, one of the oldest spa in Slovakia, is constantly working to meet the growing demands of the guests and to increase their stay comfort. In recent years, several investment actions have been successfully implemented, such as renovating the interior of the most popular SINA thermal pool in a rare mirror, or the recently completed modernization of a significant portion of accommodation capacity. The atmosphere of true spa relaxation is also underlined by exotic Hammam, the only building of its kind in Europe and a sought-after historical monument, still serving visitors as a relaxation room after a thermal bath.

Source: http://www.kupele-teplice.sk/o_nas/press_zona/akcia_kupele_v_regione_zvysila_atraktivitu_kupelov/

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