Study tours from the workshop of the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín region connected mansions and treasures of diggers. Beckov Castle, Trenčín Castle, Dubnický Kaštieľ, Mohyla MR Štefánika, the exposition dedicated to DS Jurkovič and Gazdovský dvor in Turá Lúka got to know people interested in tourism from Slovakia and the Czech Republic from the point of view of a regular visitor and through the eyes of a cultural monument administrator.
In two terms, marketers, information center representatives and local government representatives set out to learn about "good practice". Strong marketing and many years of experience help to increase the number of visitors to selected sites. The most professional ones - facility directors or professional lecturers - shared their "know-how" with the participants of the study trip. "We heard positive responses to study trips from colleagues from cultural and information centers, but also from managers managing the most visited monuments in the region. Meeting, taking over interesting topics, getting inspired and moving things in the right direction was a mission that we managed to fulfill, "said Pavol Štefčík, project manager at KOCR Trenčín region.
Castles, chateaux, castles and technical monuments in our country and in our neighbors
Study tours with the subtitle "In the footsteps of manors" and "The magic of digging" closed a series of trips for inspiration and examples of how to proceed in the management of tourist attractions. A total of 6 trips took place. Of which 4 in the Zlín Region, two in the Trenčín Region. The regional tourism organization Trenčín region took care of an interesting program approaching the functioning of museums, various expositions behind the walls of castles, chateaux and manors. In order to inform and connect selected tourist sites, the publication "Proceedings of Good Practice" was created. In addition to general information, the reader will be informed about the operation, accessibility or ownership of the monument.
Borders are not an obstacle
Cooperation within the international project "Cultural and historical heritage as a basic attribute of national consciousness" bears fruit not only for tourism professionals, but also for the general public. The counters of the cultural and information centers of the Trenčín region were filled with engaging brochures mapping the monuments of the Trenčín and Zlín regions. When reading them, tourists will be convinced that it is really not far to the neighboring East Moravian region and its treasures. Thanks to the brochure, they can plan an ideal trip to monuments, whether historical or natural. After all, travel creativity and the desire to get to know the beauties of our regions know no borders.
Trenčín, 23.10.2019
Dominantný a majestátny. Taký je hrad Beckov. Vyrastá zo skaly, je s ňou spätý ako sú s…
Oddych v prekrásnom prírodnom prostredí myjavských kopaníc. . Strávte víkend v…