


Jozef Gregor Tajovský: Women's Law

06. 10. 2019

18:00 - 20:00

Date nad time

Sunday 06. October 2019
18:00 - 20:00


Omšenský jarmok
914 43 Omšenie

Jozef Gregor Tajovský: Ženský zákon
Jozef Gregor Tajovský: Ženský zákon

Jozef Gregor Tajovský: Women's Law

Traditionally, but at the same time lively and modern - it is still possible to describe our production of the classic Slovak comedy Women's Law by the founder of Slovak theatrical realism, Jozef Gregor Tajovský. Our effort to preserve and develop the heritage is reflected in the costume of the original costumes, but the actors and the scene during the performance openly admit: "This is theater!" Here and now on the boards we offer kind humor and satire, emotions, action and memory as it used to be. something is still today ... Enjoy the rule of women's law, which is characterized by love for children, irreconcilability, humility and pride.

The production is accompanied by live music and songs!

Author: Jozef Gregor Tajovský, Director: Štefan Richtárech, Dramaturgy: Zuzana Mišáková, Music: Ladislav Žiško, Jozef Brindzák, Veronika Staňková, Scenography and costumes: Silvia Ďurovcová, Jozef Ďuráči, Technical collaboration: Martin Potočný, Jaroslav Turek, Production: Zuzana Mišáková

Performers: Zuzana Mišáková, Diana Minarovičová, Anna Maršalová, Simon Kopunec, Miloš Slemenský, Ladislav Žiško, Veronika Staňková, Jozef Brindzák

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Address Omšenský jarmok
914 43 Omšenie


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