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Spa Nimnica

Category: Spa

Nimnica, Slovensko

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The mineral „diamond“ of Slovakia. The youngest Slovak spa in the immediate vicinity of the dam Nosice.


Spa houses situated in the spa’s park are located at the tip of Javorníky. Javorníky are so vast they penetrate into Priehrada mládeže. The spa offers its clients and visitors food, medical services and a conference hall. After the spa’s health benefits were verified, its water started to be used in the treatment of respiratory and digestive tract problems. Today, the spa treats many other diseases as well. The mineral water contains potassium, magnesium, chlorine, iodine, sodium, calcium, iron, and also free carbon dioxide. The water is suitable for drinking and is also used in inhalation therapies, for tub carbon baths that relieve pain and improve health. The spa also helps in treating non-tuberculosis respiratory diseases, nervous diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system of young children. The spa helps adults with cancer, disorders of the circulatory and digestive system, metabolic problems and endocrine disorders and also various women´s disease.           

A TALE     

When digging the foundations of the dam in 1953 builders found beneath Váh water that was clean but a little salty. Hydrological surveys in several wells discovered carbonated water with high concentrations of various substances. This finding attracted attention of locals. However, when workers working on the dam noticed water’s positive effects on their health, the news caused sensation.      


The salt cave: The specific microclimate of the salt caves helps in the treatment of upper and lower respiratory tract (inflammation of the throat and sinuses, chronic rhinitis), decreased activity of the thyroid, diseases of the digestive system, dermatological diseases (skin allergies, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis), neurosis, stress and fatigue, allergies, asthma. The pleasant atmosphere of the cave is complemented by relaxation music and lighting effects.         


In the nearby town of Púchov there is the Archaeological Museum and Museum of Wheels, Považská Bystrica invites its visitors to visit ruins of Považský castle. Lednické Rovné south of the spa is known for glass production. Further south is a medieval castle Trenčín. About 25 km north of the spa is Žilina, the urban conservation area with several museums.


Forests Javorníky and Strážov mountains. The dam is about 12 km long and 1 km wide and serves as a recreational area with boat cruises and water sports. The reservoir is a paradise for aquatic birds that can be observed from dam’s walls. Javorníky and the surrounding park are great for lovers of hiking and biking - easy walks with magnificent views of the surroundings.

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Opening hours



Address Nimnica
020 71 Nimnica

30. 01. 2025 14:00 - 16. 03. 2025 18:30

, Slovensko


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21. 03. 2025 18:00 - 21. 03. 2025 20:45

Trenčín, Slovensko


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26. 03. 2025 17:00 - 26. 03. 2025 20:00

Považská Bystrica, Slovensko


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29. 03. 2025 15:00 - 31. 03. 2025 12:00

Považská Bystrica, Slovensko


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