Enjoy the incoming spring and beautiful natural scenery in the pleasant environment of Koliby Papradno . The facility is located in a conservation area surrounded by mountain meadows and pastures. The restaurant with a capacity of 50 seats offers tasty Slovak cuisine, selling seasonal raw products from sheep's milk and lamb meat . Sweepers are ideal for organizing family celebrations, weddings and corporate meetings.
Koliba offers visitors the possibility of accommodation in 2/2 rooms and 4/4 rooms.
Iba najcitlivejšie uši poetických duší tulákov dokážu zachytiť clivú melódiu vzácnej…
Oddych v prekrásnom prírodnom prostredí myjavských kopaníc. . Strávte víkend v…
Monday | 13:00-20:00 |
Tuesday | 13:00-20:00 |
Wednesday | 13:00-20:00 |
Thursday | 13:00-20:00 |
Friday | 11:00-20:00 |
Saturday | 11:00-20:00 |
Sunday | 11:00-20:00 |
Anna Beníková agro@penziongrunt.sk
Papradno č. 1507
018 13 Papradno