


Birds in winter

05. 11. 2023

14:00 - 16:00

Date nad time

Sunday 05. November 2023
14:00 - 16:00


Lesopark Brezina
91101 Trenčín

Vtáky v zime
Vtáky v zime

Birds in winter

Are you interested in how to help birds in winter? What to give them and what not to give them? Would you even like to make your own feeder or birdhouse?

Then don't miss a creative Sunday afternoon in Tarzania on Brezin. During the lecture, the ornithologist will explain to you what food is beneficial for birds and what, on the contrary, can harm them. You can make a feeder or a booth for them and you don't even have to think about where to get the material. You will have the material at your disposal. However, it is necessary to register and reserve a place, as the number of participants is limited.

To the e-mail:, state the name and whether you are interested in a booth or a feeder. The contribution for the construction of the feeder is €6, booths €4.

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Address Lesopark Brezina
91101 Trenčín


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